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Wyre CC - Constitution of the club. (Inaugurated October 1994)

​ARTICLE 1.   Wyre Cricket Club is a member of the PALACE SHIELD CRICKET LEAGUE. Membership of the club is open to all sections of the community without discrimination and we are fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and aims to ensure that no individual receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief. This includes players, committee member, participants, volunteers and spectators who are interested in the game. The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport of Cricket in Poulton-le-Fylde and the surrounding area.

The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.  The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.  The club committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.

ART 2. The club shall be governed by a commitee of 7 positions:
(a) Chairman (b) Treasurer (c) Secretary. These 3 positions will remain in office for a period of 2 years.
(d) 1st XI Captain (e) 1st XI Vice-Captain (f) 2nd XI Captain (g) 2nd XI Vice-Captain (h) Mid-week/T20 Captain and (i) Ordinary Committee Member.  These 6 positions will be elected annually.

All retiring members may offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

ART 3. The Team Captains and Vice-Captains will be elected annually by player vote at the AGM.

ART 4. The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with Club matters not covered in the Constitution; these may be of a temporary nature or if intended to be permanent, they will be incorporated as an ammendment to the Constitution after discussion at the next AGM.

ART 5. Disciplinary matters will be resolved by a panel appointed by the Chairman. The panel will consist of two Executive Members and one non-committee player.
5A. Any player having been selected to play and subsequently fails to attend will be suspended for one game, should there be a second occurence during the current season, an appropriate penalty, after allowing the player to give their reason, will be decided under ART 5.

ART 6. The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later that December 1st. The Secretary is to inform all members of the venue at least 14 days in advance, informing each that any points to be raised or any nominations for retiring positions should be communicated to the Secretary by post or electronically no later than 7 days prior to the meeting, after which the agenda will be made. A statement of accounts as at 15th October annually is to be provided by the Treasurer to members at the AGM.

ART 7. The Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at a notified time and place. An EGM may be requested by a quorum of five registered members giving, in writing, the reason to call such a meeting. Voting eligibility at either AGM or EGM will only be granted to registered fully paid up memebrs of the club. Matters arising from these meetings are to be recorded by the Secretary.
7A. The standing Committee will normally meet monthly or as the ocassion demands.

ART 8. The Club will effect annual insurance to cover Public Liability. This will not cover individual personal insurance for which players should arrange their own cover.

ART 9. Any member may subscribe an interest free loan which should be repaid within 24 calendar months. Any such subscriber, or their executor, shall have full access to the current financial position of the Club and if necessary, may call a Committee meeting to instruct repayment of the loan within 1 calendar month of such a meeting. Should a lender wish to extend the loan after the 24 month period, they may do so after setting a new repayment date.

ART 10. Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport's governing body for use by them in related community sports.

ART 11. The Club will mantain a Current bank account on which monthly statements are provided. Cheques which are presented on behalf of the Club are to be through dual signature. In addition, a Bank Deposit account may be aquired to attract interest on monies not immediately required.  Wyre Cricket Club is a non-profitable organisation.  All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

ART 12. At times there is a need to provide early season cash-flow, for which members will be asked to pay a fixed fee by a determined date, a penalty payment will be added if not paid by the stated date. These ammounts will be decided by vote at the AGM. Members will not be selected for games until the appropriate fee(s) have been paid. The Committee may recomend repayment of these fees at the end of a season or retained in the Club assets.
12A. Exceptions to the above rules (a) Any player in default of 2 match levies will not be available for further selection and will forfeit their right to repayment of the fee. (b) Members who have paid their season fee will be guaranteed selection of at least 1/3 of the League matches, failing this they will be repaid their fee. (c) Any player not under any disciplinary situation who wishes to terminate their registration or is unable to play through personal circumstances, will be repaid their season fee within 14 days of any such request. (d) Any end of season repayment as recommended by the Committee is not to exceed the determined original fee, any penalty payment will not be repaid.

ART 13. The match levy will be decided by vote at the AGM. Players aged over 18 at 15th April will pay the full amount, those aged 16-18 will pay 2/3 and those under 16 will pay 1/3 of the full levy, the latter two rates to the nearest £1.

ART 14. Player league registration fees are set by the Palace Shield Cricket League, currently league player registration fees (no cost).

ART 15. The Committee has the power to reduce the match levy for any player who has the responsibility for transporting the Club cricket kit to and from matches.

ART 16. Individual responsibilities.

The League Captain, or in his absence the Vice-Captain, is responsible for ensuring the square grass has been cut and the required standard and marking of the pitch is produced for each Home match. Collection of match levies, payment of Umpires, provision and preparation of Teas at each Home match.

The Secretary is responsible that statutory information is forwarded to the League as required and that any cups temporarily held by the Club are returned to the League. He will also be responsible for accurate record keeping at all meetings.

The Chairman in addition to his normal duties, will also be responsible for maintaining the historical statistics for each season and providing all these to attendees at the AGM.

The Treasurer in addition to his normal duties, will provide a written Statement of Accounts at the AGM.

ART 17. Players are to ensure that the Captain is made aware, at the earliest opportunity, if unavailable for a match and having been selected, is to give early warning of any reason preventing thier attendance to a game.

ART 18. Any player whose actions may bring the Club into disrepute, irrespective of where or when the action is committed, sporting, civil or criminal involvement, shall, unless there are extremely strong mitigating circumstances, be suspended immediatley from any further selection and if subsequently convicted for the action, the Committee will consider their future membership of the Club.

ART 19. End of season awards and trophies will be given to those players who have played for most of the season. Some will be by voting slip, others by individual achievement, players will lose entitlement of any end of season awards if they leave the club on a transfer to another club.

Chairman - C Gregson
Secretary - D Lever

(Original Oct 1994, Ammended Sept 1996, Jan 1999, Nov 1999, Nov 2002, Nov 2005, Dec 2017, Oct 2018)

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